What is YMCA Fitness Assessment?

Our Fitness Assessment is an opportunity to become comfortable in your YMCA by meeting with a fitness professional to assess your goals and needs and support your path to a healthy lifestyle. 


  • Assistance setting goals and formulating a plan
  • Education on the most effective ways to reach your goal
  • Guidance on safety when using the YMCA facility
  • Resources for nutrition
  • Resources for other YMCA programming
  • Direction on exercise selection

How Do I Get Started?

To book your first YMCA Fitness Assessment appointment visit Member Services and let a staff member assist you.

Kimberly Graber
Regional Director of Personal Training

YMCA Fitness Assessment Form

Contact Information:
YMCA Branch
What are your goals? Please check all that apply:
Do you have any medical conditions or injuries that could affect your ability to exercise?
What gym services are you interested in? Please check all that apply.
Would you be interested in any of the following services for yourself or your family?
Would you be interested in any of the following Community Health programs for yourself or your family?
Which days of the week are you available? Please check all that apply.
Which times of day are you available? Please check all that apply.