Masters Swim
A class building strength, endurance, and technique.  Coaches will design workouts to meet your needs.  Participants represent all levels of swimmers, with lanes separated by interval times.  
18 yrs and up
Monday l Tuesday l Wednesday l Thursday l Friday
12-1 pm
$15 per month
Class is instructed by Coach Jacky


Pickleball combines the best of tennis, badminton, racquetball, and table tennis! This sport is designed to enhance your mobility, balance, and hand/eye coordination, while providing an at-your-own-pace cardio exercise. 
Monday  l  Wednesday  l  Friday
7-8 am
10:30 am - 12 pm

Tuesday  I Thursday 

12:30 - 2:30 pm
Free to Members


Please contact Member Services, 214-357-8431 or in person, with any questions on these programs, or for additional information about benefits and classes included with membership.