What is YMCA Fitness Assessment?

The YMCA fitness assessment is an opportunity to get comfortable in your YMCA by meeting with a fitness professional to assess your goals and needs and support your path to a healthy lifestyle. 

Who should take a fitness assessment?

Every new member is encouraged to sign up for a fitness assessment upon completing registration to become a member of the YMCA.

What does the fitness assessment include?

  1. Question & Answer:
    • Exercise history
    • Fitness goals
    • Nutrition habits
    • Daily routines
    • Hobbies and activities
  2. Physical Testing:
    • Balance assessment
    • Range of motion evaluation
    • Strength evaluation (upper and lower body)
    • Cardiovascular evaluation
  3. Results Discussion:
    • Review of assessment results
    • Identification of weaknesses in areas such as balance, diet, strength, or cardiovascular health
    • Recommendations for improvement
    • Discussion on potential benefits of personal training sessions

Why should Members take a fitness assessment?

  • Understand their current fitness level
  • Identify strengths and areas for improvement
  • Receive personalized fitness recommendations
  • Set realistic and achievable fitness goals
  • Learn how to safely and effectively use fitness equipment

Who conducts the fitness assessment?

A member of the wellness staff, who is trained and experienced in conducting fitness assessments, will guide you through the process.

What should Members bring to the fitness assessment?

  • Comfortable workout attire
  • Water bottle

How long does the fitness assessment take?

The fitness assessment typically takes about 45-60 minutes, depending on the individual.

What happens after the fitness assessment?

After discussing your results, the wellness staff member will provide personalized recommendations and potential next steps, such as enrolling in personal training sessions, nutrition counseling, or specific fitness classes to address any identified weaknesses.

Who do I contact if I have more questions?

For any additional questions or concerns, please contact:

Ariel Humphrey