Miracle League Baseball

Waxahachie Family YMCA and The Miracle League of Ellis County offers Miracle League Baseball in the spring and fall season.  This program removes the barriers that keep children and adults with mental and physical challenges off the baseball field, and lets them experience the joy of America’s favorite pastime. The main barrier for these children and adults arises from playing on natural grass fields used in conventional leagues. The Miracle League of Ellis County teams play on a custom-designed, turf field that accommodates wheelchairs and other assisted devices for a safer inclusive environment.

Playing in the Miracle League is more than just a game. It is about making new friends, building self-esteem and being treated just like other athletes.  To help the athletes, the Miracle League uses a “buddy” system – pairing each player with an able-bodied peer – often resulting in fun and companionship.  The Miracle League serves children and adults who suffer from any physical or mental challenge fostering inclusiveness for all.  Play Ball!

Miracle League - Fall 2024


  • Six game season
  • Saturdays beginning October 12 through November 16
    Games will be held between 9am – 1pm



  • $20 - includes hat & shirt

Want to be a buddy? Contact miracleleagueelliscounty@gmail.com