Become a Coach at JER Chilton YMCA!

As a YMCA Volunteer Coach, you have the exciting opportunity to develop players in a positive way and become a mentor and leader for your team. Join us in making a difference in our community. Motivate and support youth in building the character strengths, skills and relationships that lead to positive behaviors, better health, smart life choices, and the pursuit of higher education and goals.

As a coach, you will be responsible for leading practices, games and communication with your team and the YMCA Sports Director. This is an 8-week commitment, one hour per week for practice and one hour per week for games.


  • Coordinate with your team via email/phone calls about practices and locations.
  • Attend coaches meeting before the season begins (be an active coach)
  • Make sure you contact your team at least 1 week before the 1st practice
  • Practice with your team one hour per week, teaching them rules of the game and basics of how to play
  • Be a mentor to your kids, teaching them values of sportsmanship, leadership, teamwork and respect
  • Attend weekend games for a 7 game season season
  • Play all kids an equal amount of time each game
  • Hand out medals and awards (given out by YMCA) at appropriate time
  • Turn a good experience into a great one, not only for the kids, but for the parents as well
  • Communicate with the YMCA about issues, concerns, questions in a respectful manner


Depending on the age level, one must have basic knowledge of the sport you are coaching or the eagerness to learn more.


Complete the YMCA volunteer coach registration process, which includes:

  • Online Criminal Background Check- CBC (Dallas YMCA Volunteer Matters)
  • Athlete Protection - AP

Online Criminal Background Check- CBC (Dallas YMCA Volunteer Matters) Instructions:

  1. Visit:
  2. SCROLL down and click “Volunteer” for the sport and season you are coaching ie: 2023 Spring Flag Football
  3. Click “Register Now” for new account;  Click "Login" for existing/returning volunteer coach using your saved user and pw
  4. Write down or save your user login and password for future reference.
  5. Complete Criminal Background Check (CBC) registration and read/sign each credential
    1.           NEW: Enter your 9 digit ss# (If it only asked for your last 4 digits, you did not assign yourself to volunteer position, Step 2 above.)
    2.           RETURNING: Enter your 9 digit ss# IF it asks you.
  6. Click “Continue”.
  7.   Complete Athlete Protection (AP) - Part 1 and Part 2
    1. If Athlete Protection required, scroll down to see continue or click on “My Profile” on left side bar.  Scroll down until you see the Red Ribbons.  Click on the ribbon or the word Athlete Protection.
    2. Volunteer Matters provides a link that will redirect you to the Great Academy login page:

    Volunteer Matters provides a link that will redirect you to the Great Academy login page


    The link will take you Great Academy where you will find the training course, Athlete Protection (AP).  Sign in using the same user and pw from Volunteer Matters.  If your username is the same as your password, remove the “@xx…”.

    Enter your information the same information from Volunteer Matters.


       Start your Athlete Protection Part 1 and Part 2.  Email your completion certificate to .

       Then go back to your Volunteer Matters browser.


    8. You will get this message:


    Verify yourself that you are a volunteer coach compliant when you satisfy all four below:

    Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated



May MacGregor

Sports Specialist Director