NFL Flag Football

The Richardson YMCA NFL Flag Football program is offered in the fall, winter and spring seasons.  It is a safer alternative for parents who might hesitate letting their children start tackle football. NFL Flag, powered by USA Football is geared toward boys and girls who want to learn how to play flag football, tactics, and most importantly - HAVE FUN! Football players should anticipate a challenging but instructional program that focuses on fundamentals, lessons in teamwork and sportsmanship.

Participants should register based on the calendar grade of Fall 2024 to end of Summer 2025 school year.

Flag Football Youth League


2025 Spring

2024 Fall

2024 Winter


Opens Dec 1

NOW Open

Opens Sept 1

Late Registration:

Feb with Add'l $25

Aug 19 with Add'l $25

Nov with Add'l $25

Registration Ends:

Feb 9 or when teams are full

 Sept 7 or when teams are full

Dec when teams are full

Grade Divisions:

Kinder/1st Grade, 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade/4th Grade, 5th/6th Grade, 7th/8th

Fees: Jersey and flag belts included

Member: $100
Non-Member: $125

Member: $ 100
Non-Member: $125


Season Dates*:

Mar 2 to Apr 20

Sept 7 to Oct 26

Tournament Nov-TBD 

Dec to Feb

Game Days:

Fridays and Saturdays 

Fridays, Saturdays, or Sundays

Fridays and Saturdays 

Practice: Once a week decided by volunteer coach

Coaches meeting:

Thursday, Aug 29, 7pm at Richardson Y gym 

Schedule Release:

by 11pm of Sep 3


*Dates may be subject to change

Required:  All players are required to wear mouth guards.

Fall/Spring Game Locations: JJ Pearce High School, Richardson Y, Berkner High School, Huffines Park other Y locations or off sites. 

Winter Game Locations: JJ Pearce High School, Richardson Y, Berkner High School, Huffines Park other Y locations or off sites. 

Friend/Coach Request: The Richardson YMCA staff recognizes the value of playing on a team with a friend. Playing with a friend help keep kids in sports and make the experience more fun. Friendships can also be important for good sportsmanship and creating memories.  Meeting new teammates who become friends is fun as well as an opportunity to make life long friends and learn new skills. Friend/Coach requests are accepted on registration forms but are not guaranteed. 

Free Agents**: If your child does not have a team, they will be put on the "free agent" list. Parents/ Player will be notified if the sports staff cannot find a team for the player. If your player is on the "free agent"/"need coach team", that means we are in need of a parent from the team to coach this season and be a volunteer coach for the team.  Please contact  if you can be a volunteer coach.

**YMCA reserves the right to add any player(s) to a roster if necessary.  

Coaches are volunteers that must register for a Criminal Background Check with Athlete Protection training. If you are interested in coaching please indicate so on your registration form and click on the link of Volunteer Coach on the left sidebar.

Individual and team sign-ups welcome! 

*Flag football games may conflict with regular season basketball or soccer games for individual players wanting to play multiple sports with the YMCA.   This does not include the soccer tournament or rainout reschedules.

NFL Flag Football Youth Registration K to 6th Grade

NFL Flag Football Youth Registration 7/8th Grade

Flag Football Youth Tournament

Registration is open for the following divisions:  K/1st to 6th

Spring 2024- May 3rd and 4th 

Hosted by the Richardson YMCA

Location: Huffines Park 

1st and 2nd place medals in each league.

Tournament is for Richardson YMCA teams only:  Coaches/managers must log in to your YMCA registration account and choose yourself or your player as the participant. You will be able to add team information before checking out. Be sure to register your team correctly.   Our registration system does not have the ability to close divisions once full even if your registration processes. You will receive a separate e-mail from the Richardson YMCA which will be your final confirmation. 

Team Registration Fees: Registration deposit fee of $125.00.  Refundable after tournament $100.00.

Team Rosters:  Spring 2024 players only.  No Guest Players allowed.

Tournament Format: 1- Day Single Elimination Tournament. Brackets are formed by end of season placement.  Brackets could consist of 3-4 games depending on the number of teams registered. 

Rules: Same as regular season.

Tournament Registration Deadline: TBD/ Y must have a min 4 teams per division. (Teams can play up 1 division with Y Director approval) 

Game Schedules: Released by the Tuesday, end of the day, prior to tournament day.

*Please note: Registering on time does not guarantee placement. Please review League Formation information in the tournament rules.

NFL FFBall Tournament Reigistration

Flag Football Pee Wee Preschool Clinic 

45 minute classes for boys and girls ages 3 & 4. The program is designed to teach the basics of rules, techniques and safety practices of the sport. 


2025 Spring Registration

2024 Fall Registration




Late Registration:

Begins Feb with Additional $25


Registration Deadline:

Mar or until sessions are full

Sep 14 or until sessions are full


3 to 4 years old


Tshirt and belt included

Member: $

Non-Member: $

Member: $70

Non-Member: $ 90

Session 1*:

Sat:  Mar to Apr 

9am to 9:45am

Sat:  Sept 14 to Oct 12

9am to 9:45am


Custer Park 

701 W Renner Rd, Richardson, TX 75080

Registration is limited to 20 players and will remain open until the first session or until full, whichever occurs first. 

Flag Football PeeWee Registration

Football Camp/Clinic

Our pre-season flag football camp will focus on handoffs, passing, catching, route running, flag pulling and interception drills, ball awareness and safety. Attendees do not need to be a participant in the NFL program to attend. 

One Day Clinic

When: TBD

Grades and Time:

K-2nd 9:00-11:00am register HERE 

3rd-8th 12:00-2:00pm register HERE 

Location: Richardson YMCA


Required: Mouth guard.