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Lifestyle balance is finding an equilibrium between healthy eating and physical activity. It's about learning the facts about it, what makes it hard to accomplish for each of us, and how to change those things to make them work for us, not against us. This balance includes what the mind, body and spirit need, but also what it doesn’t. Many important factors (sleep, stress, knowing when to say no, staying motivated, handling the holidays, etc.) will be included as we discuss this further, but let’s keep it simple for today’s article.

In order to build goals which will direct our journey and help us identify progress, we need a baseline. We must know where we are now, so we can take a step forward in the right direction. Take a week and track your food and physical activity (Use an App like MyFitnessPal, LoseIt, or others). If you have a scale, track your weight. Lastly, keep a journal of comments about what worked and what didn’t. Include feelings, any changes you made or would like to make, and what stresses make up your life. This will give you a necessary baseline of where to begin.

You are unique in your journey. Learning the following will help shape and direct it:

  • Type of physical activity you like
  • Foods you’re willing to try, portion size awareness & foods you won’t give up
  • Your level of commitment to changes that you choose
  • Type of support you may need
  • Amount of accountability you assume
  • How readily you get back on your feet after having a slip up
  • How quickly you change negative thoughts into positive ones
  • Types of stress and how you handle them
  • Readiness to throw things out that aren’t helping you, and add new ones that will

Good luck with your week and remember that this journey is not a light switch, but an enlightening process.


Katrina Beavers-Gutierrez

Director of Chronic Disease Prevention

YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program Certified Instructor