Dallas YMCA
YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas

Serving the Celina Community


The YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas is thrilled to offer some of our programs to the families of Celina in the coming months. We have served North Texas for over 130 years and are eager to meet the people of this wonderful community and assess your needs. As we continue to learn about Celina and meet your local leadership, we will consider how we can best serve this growing and thriving city. Below are links to our current Celina offerings that we hope your families enjoy as we get to know you. 


YMCA Adventure Guides
YMCA Adventure Guides

The Adventure Guides program provides fathers and their children the opportunity to spend valuable time together. 

YMCA Community

From swim lessons, to our Active Older Adults fellowship, to Teen involvement, Youth Sports, Personal Training, and beyond, the Y's programming and activities serve the whole person throughout the life cycle.  As we love to say, there's something for everyone at The Y!


With a mission to put Christian values into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind and body for all, our impact is felt when an individual makes a healthy choice, when a mentor inspires a child and when a community comes together for the common good.

Nationwide Membership

Become a member and enjoy any Y, any where in the U.S.*