3 Tips On How To #AchieveMore Every Single Day


Get more out of every single day!

Is it just us, or does it seem as though there is never enough time to achieve everything that you want to do each day during the winter months? Sure, we always plan on getting up early and fitting in some exercise, or ticking errands off of our to-do list when we return home from work. However, some days it simply feels as though there are not enough hours in the day. Combine these common winter blues with the shorter days of sunlight that often come hand-in-hand with the colder months, and it seems as though all of us are in need of some major motivation!

Luckily, today we have just the tips you are looking for when it comes to getting more out of your short winter days. Whether you are hoping to exercise more, eat better, spend more time with your family, achieve more success at work―it doesn't matter what it is you want to achieve, we here at YMCA Dallas are going to help you achieve more! Here are three simple tips that will help you achieve more every single day:

1. Get a good night's sleep

You will be amazed just how much you can accomplish when you get a nice, long night of rest! In fact, the 2nd week of March has been dubbed "National Sleep Awareness Week" simply to help educate the world on how beneficial a good night's sleep can be for your mind, your body and your mood.

While most people will often sacrifice a good night's sleep in order to be more productive, they may actually be doing the opposite in the long run. This is because even the smallest amounts of sleep deprivation can take a significant toll on our health, our productivity and our cognitive capacity. Therefore, make sure you are getting your full 7-9 hours of sleep every night so you can achieve more in the morning!

2. Exercise Regularly

When it comes to trying to fit in our different errands throughout the day, exercise is usually the first to be sacrificed in lieu of another chore. This is because, on the list of essential to-do's, errands such as grocery shopping, after school activities, family time and other important actions seem much more important. However, exercising regularly should be just as high on your to-do list as any other activity, especially because it can help elevate your mood, motivate you, and leave your feeling refreshed and accomplished. Plus, you can get your whole family to join in on your daily exercise activities, combining your daily exercise goals with some much needed family fun time!

3. Eat right

Many days, the reason why we may not accomplish as much as we want to, whether at work, at school or at home, is because we feel too tired or exhausted to do so. However, the reason for feeling drained and worn out at the end of your busy day may not have as much to do with lack of sleep as it does with the type of food that you are putting in your body!

For instance, think of the food that you eat as your body's fuel. If you put bad processed food or greasy, fried food in your system all day, your body is not going to run at full speed. However, if you load your body up with protein, fruits and vegetables, and heart-healthy foods, you will run at top speed! Therefore, be very aware of the types of foods you are eating each day and how these foods affect your energy levels.

What are the different health and lifestyle steps that you take each day to achieve more in your day-to-day routine? Send us a Tweet @YMCADallas and let us know! 

Authored by: YMCA of Metropolitan Dallas